Hello Friends, How are you? How is your weekend going? I am pretty dang delighted to be back up and running. Thank YOU wifi!!
Most weekends are busy and I have to consider other peoples schedules so that leaves me with less time to color, post etc. Since I have to work one day ahead during this challenge to allow me time to post …Saturday allowed me a little time to play & experiment with some new color combinations. It’s so fun coming up with new color combos when you have a classic flower stamp like this one from Alt New.
Usually this happens when I have time away and only pack a limited markers so I am forced to use what I have. In todays case I brought them all and I think the results weren’t as good because I had to many to choose from.
I might add that I finished off my flowers with white dots. Once the white dots were dry I added a black dot on top. I challenge you to give it a try 🙂 Dots on dots lol
I feel it’s important to share everything even if I am not thrilled with it. Plus I am with you all coloring on a daily basic flying by the seat of my pants and loving every minute of it. (maybe loving 80 % of blogging it takes me forever) As most of you know it’s a struggle to keep up with the linking on my blog (your shares for the 30 day challenge) and I am hoping that I can make a dent this week and visit you all. Sometimes so many different passwords are required and sometimes they don’t work especially for Splitcoast Stampers. Just want you all to know that I will be trying my best.
Tomorrow is the half way point…OH MY!. In the meantime a super big thanks to YOU ALL. Hugs, Kathy
P.S. Go here to read more about the 30 Day Coloring Challenge and if you want to share what your creating go to Day 1 and scroll to the bottom of the post. You will find a blue Inlinkz tab to link up your coloring.
Not sure why you don’t love all these flowers. They look great to me. I especially love the yellow pink orange one.
Hello Kathy, this is a great idea! I don´t have many copic markers to do this, but I do have colored pencils that will do the work 🙂 thank you for the inspiration, have a great day!
Ileana, Don’t forget you can use copics with colored pencils. The colored pencil needs to go on top of your copic coloring. Try it out. Keep playing and finding time for you. 🙂
Lovely flowers – and love the black on white dots 🙂 I totally admire you for running this challenge and really do appreciate all your comments on my Instagram posts knowing how busy you must be. Half way tomorrow and I’m a mixture of sad and excited – sad it’ll end in 15 days, but excited there’s 15 days to go! Lol!
Ruth, Never end the fun you are having. You always need to find time for yourself. Thank you for your appreciation. 🙂
Love the color combos Kathy! So enjoying this challenge.
Love the color combos Kathy!
I especially love the posts you are doing with copics. It is so helpful to see different color combos, and to know it just takes some experimenting to see what one might like. When I want help with copics your blog is the first one I look to for that.
Beautiful flowers–love the white dots! I’m sending you another IG photo, had fun with pastels! I don’t know how you do it with the blog, I have one, haven’t posted in a very long while, between work, family and of course making new stuff, time is limited! You are doing all of that and posting video’s as well! Hats off to the coloring diva!
I’m also enjoying your posts on the copics to take me beyond the same colours I tend to pick to put together again and again. I dont have a super large choice and find your colour mixes a great way to extend what I have. Also love that look of the white then black on top dots. Will have to try this, as soon as I replace my lost white pen.
They look gorgeous to me and the one that sings to me is the yellow and orange one. Interesting to hear you say how you feel that you have better results when you take fewer supplies away. I think that sums up crafting for many if us ” this is what I have so this is what I’ll use” I have loved the last 15 days abd lool forward to the next.
Ps: am using lots of white dots and love what they bring to an image.
You, dear lady, are being to hard on yourself. Personally, these color combos make me very happy. I especially love the one starting with BV and the Y (of course, I’m a yellow fanatic).
Love the color chart idea and the Dot on Dot. I’ll give it a go!
I love the look of these flowers! The coloring and, of course, the white gel pen touches!! I’ve had to take a break to work on a beading project… (still working with color, but not coloring : ) )
I really like the way the flowers turned out. I’ll have to try the dot on dot. 🙂 Anyway, I want to thank you for this month long challenge. I’m having so much fun coloring every day!
Those colour combos are gorgeous! I always think I don’t need to get all the markers but seeing you do these things makes me want all the markers haha. Adding the dots really makes the image.
I think your flowers are great!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful colour combo! The flowers are really pretty!
Love your rainbow colored flowers!! Great way to see how different colors pair up! Am trying to catch up on posting for the last week since I broke my foot last Tuesday! Really love having “coloring time” and enjoy posting to IG and getting feedback! Such a supportive coloring society! Love your inspiration and am going to miss doing this having looked forward to it since your last time. I came prepared this one! Already stamped images and handy ready-made cards to help move it from just colored!! 😉
Beverly, Sorry to hear about your foot. Go for the coloring to make your foot better. Feedback is always exciting and motivating. We have a very supportive community. Take care. 🙂
I struggle to find a white pen to that works well, I threw two away this week already. But once I find a good one I’ll try adding dots on dots.
Happy Half month!
Hi Kathy, Love all your flowers, I don’t have any copics, only water colour pencils , but you give us so many idea’s, so thank you for that, and all your hard work that goes into doing these challenges, I like the black dot on the white. Cheers Anna.
I really like seeing these different color combinations, sometimes I really struggle with what colors to use and end up doing the same pinks or reds! Thanks!!
Hi Kathy,I love your flowers,and the black dots on white dots-wow,what a great look! You so inspire me with your coloring,even though I don’t have any Copics 🙂
These are so pretty! I love that blue green combo flower!
amazing coloring!
Hello Kathy. I really like the colors you chose for your flowers very pretty and inspiring. Thank you for keeping all of us motivated. Smiles, K
WHAT? You don’t think these flowers were your best? I sat there and stared at them for a few minutes because I couldn’t believe how beautiful they are. I was trying to figure how you do it! Maybe I should send you some of the kindergarten art work (cards) that I have……………..MINE. Then, you’ll know how many light years I am behind you. (ha,ha) Not only would you get a good laugh, but you would change your mind on the exquisite art work that you allows us to drool over. =) You always blow us away, Kathy. Never doubt that.
GORGEOUS flowers!!!
LOVE the colouring and LOVE the POP of the white dots 🙂
Wow! Now maybe I can try alcohol coloring with confidence, my spectrum are drying but so what. These are so bright and beautiful! Even if you’re not crazy about them…I am. Thanks for the tips
Woh! Cool!
I always love trying new color combo’s. It is just amazing what you can come up with.