Hello Friends, How are you this weekend? Please tell me you are safe and haven’t been suffering from this awful hurricane. If you have I want to hear and I am sure everyone else does …. can you let us know in the comment area? Prayers have been sent and I continue to do so.
Also on another note I need your feedback. Most of you know how things work during the coloring challenge…. where to share what you are coloring (either on my blog on or Instagram) and how it’s an easy breezy challenge without any pressure.
I think this is the 6th Daily Marker Coloring Challenge? eek? Anyway I am always looking for ways to improve. Many of you share on Instagram and it’s a beautiful sharing community. If Facebook is your thing and Instagram isn’t can you let me know? I am considering adding something to my plate lol. Would you want me to have a Facebook group for “The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge”? If so I really need you to leave a comment on this blog post and let me know. Thanks so much.
WAIT … before you think I want YOU to have extra work sharing… no no not at all. I am thinking for those of you who do not have a home at Instagram and are looking for a home so to speak. If Facebook is your home now and you haven’t been sharing for one reason or another. I hope I am making sense … eek!
Soon I will be sharing the usual details like I did for the last challenge. I plan on making a new video for this current challenge even though the information is the same but, if you missed the last one you can watch here. I have streamlined my supplies a tad and will be sharing that in the next two weeks. Lots happening so stay tuned and thanks for being my faithful followers.
Many Hugs & Prayers, Kathy
P.S. Did you know that I have a “coloring challenge” header on my blog. You an scroll though to see every post during each coloring challenge!! Cool right or you can click here to see it.
P.S.S. If you are on Facebook it would be awesome if you would share this logo. (Just right click to copy and if you can link it back to my blog that’s even better. )
Yes!! A closed FB group would be awesome!! It would encourage people who are shy to share on public, to share their work in the group!!
Moxie Craftie
Thanks for the feedback Berina I really appreciate it 🙂
I agree but, am having problem figuring out how to get to the coloring challanges. Is there a picture to download? Do we just color and submit something of our own? TY
Yes!!!! Such a great idea! I’ll share immediately your logo!!!
Thanks so much Arianna but, to clarify Yes to FB or no lol
Ops, I’m sorry if I’m not clear with my answer! Yes, defintely yes!!! ; p
I’m just happy sharing on Instagram, as I can’t cope with too much – I tend not to do too much sharing on FB of crafty things, but hey, I’ll add it to my list if you decide to go ahead. IG is owned by FB so it’s relatively easy to share across. Can do it twice! Lol! So excited to get going!! Xx
Hi Ruth, I totally understand. You have found your home at Instargam so for those that don’t have a home … I am wondering if FB would give then that. Thanks for being so excited. Let the coloring begin 🙂
I think you’re right – I know quite a few who do FB but not IG, and it’s good to have as many places to share as possible – just worried it might be quite a lot of work for such a busy lady as yourself who loves to spread lots of love (and is much appreciated!) but I totally understand. In fact, it might help me to persuade some of my non crafty friends to get out their pens and other media and get colouring! xx
Anything is okay.. FaceBook, Instagram or blog..
Ok thanks for weighing in Swapna 🙂
So excited for the next colouring challenge, especially now that I have some Copics heading my way. I’m still very much a blog oriented kind of girl. I might get an Instagram account to be able to share work in progress, especially for this colouring challenge. I’m not on Facebook and I really hate that several (company) challenges and giveaways have been moved to Facebook.
We’re still enjoying the last weeks of summer with lots of sunshine and nice and warm temperatures, but my heart goes out to those that are (of have been) in hurricane Mathew’s path.
Marianne x
I agree Marianne! I don’t use Facebook and it does seem that companies we have faithfully followed for years are putting their challenges and giveaways on Facebook only. First we lost paper magazines, now they don’t want to bother with a website? I want time to play with my crafts so don’t sign up for a lot of the social media sites.
I am looking forward to the next one. I missed the last two. I am not on Instagram, so blog or closed Facebook group works for me. Thanks Kathy!
I am not on instagram, so a facebook group would be fantastic!
I haven’t given in to all the techno trends and am not on either Facebook or Instagram. I do have you in my favorites and check out your site. Maybe one day I will be a participant instead of just a viewer! Thanks for all you share.
PS – waiting on Matthew in SC. Hope he is nice to us.
Although I don’t have an Instagram account, that is where I prefer seeing the great coloring everyone submits. My preference is Instagram.
If I could be so bold as to offer an additional suggestion, it would be really awesome if people would include in their post, the name or manufacturer of the stamp set they’re using (if they’re using a stamp set). We need to be able to support the great companies who make it possible for all of us to do this wonderful craft! There were many cards posted that I would have purchased the stamp set for had I known where it came from.
Thanks for listening!
I prefer Instagram over Facebook. I try to stay off of facebook as much as I can!
IG is my favorite but I will follow you anywhere!
Looking forward to another one of your fabulous 30 day coloring challenge! Thank you for putting so much into teaching and inspiring. You are awesome!
I’m fine with just instagram.
Looking forward to the next challenge – I’ve been slacking recently and need to get a move on with my Christmas cards so it’s perfect timing 🙂
I’d be happy just sharing on your blog link, I’m not on Instagram and I’m trying to cut the amount of time I ‘waste’ on FB 🙂
Hi Kathy ! I am a blog only person must be just one in all your followers ,I felt fb was eating much of my craft time so deleted my account n I am happy n peaceful blogger now. FB group n IG both seem good option as I see many of my friends Switching from blog to IG 🙂
cant wait!
Facebook is for me! I am not a big joiner of many different outlets. I stick to face book because it is easier for me. Thanks so much for offering to include Facebook. Love your blog!!!
I definitely like a closed Facebook group over Instagram. I’m not an Instagram user but I like Facebook/ I’m taking a few online art course which have Facebook groups so he cooling group would be wonderful
Kathy, so looking forward to the next 30 Day Challenge.
I use INSTGRAM only. I never post my pics on FB.
I would love to see this on Facebook. I don’t use Instagram. I think this would be a great addition to your challenge. Count me in if you do add this feature.
Love ya
Hi Kathy! A Facebook group defiantly please. Also. I sent you a card and small gift and it came back “undeliverable to this address”. I used the Daily Marker address on your blog post. I’m so disappointed that it wasn’t delivered to you. Could you please send me your address so I can mail you Mt card and small gift please? Thanks and hugs from Veronica in Canada (vrohm@shaw. ca)
I would remain with Instagram and blog, and not use Facebook. Thanks for asking!
If you could continue on Instagram for those of us that do not do Facebook – that would be great. Sometimes, everything moves to Facebook and then those of us who chose not to use Facebook, lose site of these great challenges that we love. Thanks for asking
Hi Kathy! Sooo excited for the next challenge. I’m colouring my fingers off here constantly since you got me started. I colour at home in front of the tv, out in my hammock. I colour in waiting rooms all the time. Dentists, doctors, mechanics… time flies. It’s great. I use Instagram to post art now but I do not use Facebook. I need time to craft!
Kathy, I am so excited for your next Coloring Challenge. I didn’t get to participate as much as I wanted to in August as I had recently had surgery.
All is well here just Northwest of Orlando. I got sandbags for my elderly neighbors and myself and we watched out for each other during the storm.
Luckily for us, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been.
We appreciated all of the thoughts and prayers.
I use Instagram mostly for cards. I use Facebook mostly for family and friends. I do have a Facebook page for my cards though and I posted your link to it. I can believe it’s already the 6th one! So excited.
For me, I am not going to FB as often and would be okay without the FB page. I use Instagram for my crafty and coloring posts. With that being said I would join the FB if you decide to go ahead and add the group. I am looking forward to the challenge! It will be the third one I have participated in and I think my coloring gets better every time. Thanks for doing it!
Yes to a closed Facebook group!
Here in Mount Dora, FL we were very lucky that Matthew didn’t turn inward as once predicted ( I had flashbacks of Hurricane Andrew when I lived in Miami). The coastal areas from Melborne, Daytona, to Jacksonville were hit pretty hard and have a long recovery ahead!
I don’t do Instagram. I’m only on FB (that’s more than enough).
When people have the Linky thing – my pictures will never post as
it says they are too big. Since I’m not ‘puter-literate I have no
idea how to fix that. I have an FB account where I post my
pictures of projects and would be able to post to a FB page
from there. ( MaryLouH Stampin’ Up)
Hope this makes sense. My fingers are cold and not working
too well. Can’t get used to this change of chilly fall air.
I dislike Facebook . I like your 30 day color challenge on your blog. Hope you don’t change. Looking forward to what you have coming up,
I have started to take some pics of my finished projects, but am still not ready to share them publicly. But I love to follow! Your coloring challenges have been amazing.
YES TO FB! Thats where I post all of my cards. Working full time only gives me wkends to create so its a bit difficult to keep up with this fast paced crafty community in more than place. So many blogs and websites to visit every wkend! I love getting your emails! They are very helpful when I need to know whats going on everywhere. Thanks Kathy!
I am on both Instagram and Facebook. Though I am more active on Facebook. So I am excited about a Facebook group. I think it is much easier to share things on Facebook.
Kathy, I have always watched your Color Challenges but not participated. If you have a FB Group, I might join in. I can’t get into Instagram because it has an old email & I can’t seem to get it changed or updated to sign in. One day, maybe I’ll figure it out!
Instagram is not for me. FB works !
I saw a post about a closed FB group-that would be awesome! I do have instagram but am a little shy about posting there and sometimes forget. But a closed FB group with only fellow “colorists ” to see would be awesome! I need to prep stuff to color but found watercolor cards and coloring books on clearance at my JoAnn store–I had looked at them at full price–but a little pricey–and purchased the smaller size, perfect for traveling. I may have to go back and get some more.
Yes please have a facebook group. I don’t do instagram. my daughter signed me up but I don’t know how to work it lol
Yes a Facebook group would be wonderful. I can see a lot of us are FB housed.Can’t wait…
No, am I the only one in the world that is not on FB??
That person you described is ME! I am ok with computers….don’t follow Instagram…..but I know how to post and share photos on FB….I have always wanted to join in, but didn’t know how. I hate to make extra work for you….if I can help you in any way, just say the word! Thanks for thinking of me!
Hi Dear , how Are you ?
woow super excited for this coming coloring challenge. Last time I enjoyed a lot.
Kathy I love your work ,if possible can you make video on how you colour those pumpkin with pencils .
I am safe here .
Hope this hurricane pass soon and everything is back to normal.
Tc love Renuka.
I am in a hotel right now. My city said we are not allowed to go home yet. But my family and I are okay. That’s most important to me. We all drove a car with the most important stuff to each of us. Funny thing – it wasn’t much – not even a trunkful in none of the cars. What was important is that we are together. But on a silly note is it bad that I rolled my raskog cart with my copics and some stamps to my car?! It took me years to collect them all! At least now since I can’t go home, I will have something to do. My daughter, booked a hotel 4 hours away. How ironic that there is a Hobby Lobby across the street and Michaels, Joann’s and Tuesday Morning less than a mile away. My husband hollered “OH NO!!!!” I like the ease of instagram and am on facebook also- where ever you go I will follow. Totally enjoy and appreciate the time you put in these challenges! Thanks! Take care everyone.
Facebook or Instagram both work for me. Thanks for asking.
I don’t instagram but I am a me,bear of several craft groups on FB.
You have gotten lots of feedback and I did not read it all, but I just wanted to say that some folks don’t do instagram or facebook or any of those other fun things that I have forgotten the names of. I don’t know about other people, but I only do blogs and Pinterest. Oh, and I do watch you tube videos. I just thought you should know. Thanks.
I can’t wait for the next challenge because I am finally feeling so much better! But I do you my facebook account way more than my instagram account because I am on it a lot more frequently. But don’t put yourself out to do too much work because I can always use instagram and we enjoy all of your inspiration and tutorials way too much to have you get burned out!!
I am so looking to the next challenge, as I had some issues arise and did not get to complete the last one. I use both Instagram and Facebook. I would love to see a group on Facebook. I have a lot of friends who seem to follow FB more than Instagram. It seems like no matter what I post I get a lot more feedback from my FB posts even though I am personally a fan of Insta for these type posts. Thank you so much for giving us a forum to share our art!
Would love to join a closed FB group. Don’t do Instagram; but, do have a few places I follow on Pinterest.
I am a definite yes for Facebook. Don’t know anything about Instagram. Yay for the new Color Challenge Nov. 1.
Yes Kathy, Facebook would be my choice! Thanks for caring about everyone out there. I’m in IN, so no problems here, but I do have lots of friend on the east coast and in FL, so far everyone is safe.
This time I am really, really going to try and join in, everything gets in my way before, but I want to carve out sometime for “me”,
Yes, I prefer to share on FB. Thanks!
Facebook please
I don’t do instagram, but I do have my own blog. If do Facebook some, but might need some instructions
I love the simplicity of Instagram.
I don’t use Instagram, but I do use fb! I usually post there pics I color or cards I make! I love your coloring challenge!
Yes to Facebook!
I prefer Instagram for the challenge. It’s easy with the hashtag to find everyone’s work. Facebook just drags me down so many places I didn’t really want to be. However, if I need to post both, I will.
I haven’t participated in the contest yet. I personally think a linky is good for sharing our entries and I imagine a lot easier for you, but then I don’t mind sharing my work. For the shy ones, I guess a closed FB group would be OK.
I am with whatever the majority vote for! I am flexible and love both Instagram and FaceBook! Just looking forward to joining the fun!! 🙂
I would use Instagram to post pictures; it seems easier.
I haven’t checked Facebook since the beginning of June.
Thanks for all you do to share & promote coloring!
Hi my love I feel that I know you but you dont know me. I live in Iceland and I never think I can participate in hope to get free give away for nowone will send to Iceland.
Anyway I would sooo like to take part and I´m on Facebook. So pleas count me in.
Thanks to you Kathy
Kathy, I’m actually not on facebook. The Instagram community is so wonderful that I basically just use that … but I think a facebook group would be good for the folks who use facebook.
Super excited to start another color challenge Kathy. I think the fb group is a great idea. I would def. do that. I added your logo to my fb wall with #thedailymarker , I hope I did everything right but its on my wall so my friends can check it out!
I do fb but not instagram so fb is better for me. Love your posts and tutorials. I haven’t participated as yet but hope to do so in November.
WOW! Not everything is about social media!
Yes to FB. I have an Instagram account but think it’s confusing. You are wonderful lady!
Will try Instagram if that is were you want picture. I need to know how to post with those hash tags, too. If there could be a little blurb about the etiquette on instagram. Closed fb group is okay, too. Thanks for all you do, Kathy.
A closed FB group please. I can only cope with email, FB, Pintrest and YouTube relating to craft and stamping. If I have something else I doubt I will find time to play and create Sending positive thoughts and hugs from Australia to everyone in the US who may be affected by the hurricane. Thank you Kathy. Happy Sunday
Yes, please to Facebook! I check in there way more often than Instagram.
Hi, I am new to your site. I do Facebook no insta whatever 🙂
Yes please to facebook! I am on a number of closed fb groups for different interests not just card making, and they work brilliantly. I dont have instagram and can’t cope with the idea of ‘another’ thing to do so again,Yes please!!! I am in Australia too! thanks for all you do Kathy,
Hi Kathy, We only had garden damage thankfully, my garden figurines took the worst hit, we were so lucky. So nice of you to check in with us Floridians.
As for the Challenge, I have followed and colored along with EVERY challenge you have had and have had such a blast !!! The problem is, I can’t figure out how to share, I have expressed my frustration in your comments every time, but it is just my problem. I can’t seem to figure out that linkz screen no matter how many times I try, I am not tech savy, unfortunately I do not have instram or a website or facebook, hard to believe but hubby and I just got our first cell phone in this past December, LOL how sad is that we are so ” old school” but I take pictures of all my coloring I just wish I could figure out how to share like everyone else does. I guess my problem is unique, oh well, I still enjoy it so so much and that is the point. Thank you for that.
Tracey Magner, I too had a difficult time trying to post to Kathy’s blog using the linkz screen so instead I created an Instagram account to post my coloring challenge entries. I’m not tech savvy either so I went online for a walk through on how to post. It was super easy to do and it’s super easy to post.
Thank you Norma for your advice, I am super excited to try it. I don’t know anything about Instagram but I am willing to go try it out and see if I can do that, I will be so happy if I can, every challenge I get so frustrated that I can’t share my coloring. Again, Thank you for leaving me an idea to try.
I love the simplicity of instagram. It is so easy to post and keep up with through instagram. I’m currently not on facebook. so hope instagram stays in the loop;) I have really enjoyed #dailymarker30day challenge. your coloring is amazing!
I too am hopeful that the coloring challenge stays on your blog and Instagram only. On IG it is so super easy to post and find others’ work and contributions to the coloring and card making community – I am a huge fan of it. I DO NOT like the idea of adding FB as a place to post. Besides, once there, you kinda get pulled into all the other stuff on there.
Count me IN for a FB group. I don’t do Instagram and I don’t have a blog, so I’ve been using Pinterest – but it’s cumbersome. I would love adding FB. Please and thank you.
Hi Kathy
Looking forward to the next challenge – as always! I personally use IG, and not FB for my crafty ventures, but I do think there is some value in FB, particularly a closed group – helpful for those people who are maybe shy of sharing across a wide platform or just don’t want another social media application to use and would rather keep all their social media on FB.
But adding more to your plate…. you are so kind to think of everyone. I worry about you overloading yourself as the challenge in itself is huge now! Hugs, Lisa xx
Yes a Closed Group on FB would be AWESOME!! I do share on Instagram, but don’t have very many followers!! Sometimes I feel like its a waste of my time but I do it anyway!! =) THANKS FOR THE FUN and I’m looking forward to the New Color Challenge!! Have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =
This is a great idea and me too interested in participate in coloring challenge this time
If u create a group in fb it will be nice
I prefer IG as I am not a huge FB fan although I end up using it because I feel like you almost have to these days. IG feels a lot faster and less professional or judgy somehow. Plus, you already do SOOOOOO much work for these amazing challenges, I don’t think you need to add to your plate.
FB group would be nice for those who don’t do instagram, etc but I’m an insta-junkie so will definitely stick with sharing on IG lol! But may pop into FB group too on the odd occasion.
I would love to be part of a FB group. I do not do instagram and even though I haven’t yet done a 30 day challenge, I started though, I would join a FB group in an instant!
Forgot to mention that I would love to have links to the works that have been posted.
OMG Kathy Facebook would be awesome. I am not a tech savvy women kind of old school without give age away of course lol but I don’t even know how to instagram or even what that is lol. My kids tease me all the time. Heck there was a contest on the radio to text the word of the hour to this 4 or 5 digit number for a chance to have your number called to win $1000.00 and I was trying everything with no luck lol. So yes facebook would be great that one I can do lol. Thanks for asking all of us. Can’t wait for the next challenge and P.S. what’s the chances of doing a few more video’s during the challenge, I will be honest if there isn’t a video I don’t pay as close of attention and besides I love how you don’t edit and prove to us your just like us. lol
Yes, yes yes, Facebook group will work great for me!!!
Oooh this on Facebook would be fantastic I don’t use the others and I think a lot of us are the same. I am a member of a number of fb colouring groups and I am sure some of these members would be interested in joining in if it was also in fb too.
Hi, Kathy! I’m on a blog break/computer break right now. I’m catching up on some emails and I saw this one so I’m popping in to say hello and to tell you I’m very excited about your next colouring challenge! Woohoo! It will get me colouring every day again! As for your question, I don’t have Instagram but I do have Facebook, so that would work just fine. However, I’m content with the blog linky you’ve used in the past – whatever works for you will work for me! Looking forward to daily colouring! Can’t seem to stick to it without the challenge to keep me motivated so THANK YOU!!! You are AWESOME!
Both of the cards are so pretty but I love the poinsettia. That is my favorite flower. And your coloring is wonderful as always.
Amazing as always!!!
I would love a FB group I don’t use IG that often. Thank you
Yes, definitely a FB group! This will be my first 30 day colouring challenge! My 7 year old daughter (very crafty, like her mom!) will colour along with me!
Facebook group!
I am only on facebook and I would love to join this challenge, so… YES, PLEASE!
An FB group with an album for every month of the challenge would keep the pics in order and easy to view. Would love to interact with everyone too!
I don’t have Instagram and would love a facebook group!
I don’t use Instagram so Facebook would be great!
YES, on the FB closed group, and keep the Instagram and Pintrest going too. A note of caution, everyone needs some kind of watermark on your coloring and/or creation. There are those who would steel the image and steel your work and claim as their own. With the sophisticated computers and programs it is all that much easier. This will be my first “The Daily Marker Challenge” and I am looking forward to it. Thanks for all the inspiration!
Hi dear, I love it the idea to be part of this challenge. I want to be part of the Facebook group. Please, let me how I can do… thanks you
I do not (yet) have an Instagram account, so would love a Facebook group. This will be my first coloring challenge — is there a place to sign up, or do we just participate?
Yay so happy to hear that Kate. Here is the link 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/groups/201290420294581/
Just wanted you to know that I sent an email to all my crafting friend informing them I was joining your 30 Day Coloring Challenge and was going to be busy coloring. I also shared your video on my Google + account from Youtube. Have been doodling up a storm, preparing my own coloring sheets for this challenge. Can’t wait to start!
HibI love your color challenges. I also love the fact that you use so many types of mediums. Very cool.