Hello Friends, How are you? I just wanted to pop in and tell you that I am going to take a short break from blogging. My daughter is graduating this May and has a fashion show THIS THURSDAY … all within a 2 week span.
I will try to take lots of photos and video and will be super excited to share that with you all. Her senior project is to have 6 garments completed by this Thursday. I am jumping on a plane in a few hours to go and help her with a few finishing touches. I am beyond excited that she asked me to come a few days early & help her out. My “kids” are fiercely independent and it’s a huge deal for her to ask me.
Yes this momma is glowing. So that’s it in a nut shell. Thanks for understanding and I am super excited to share.
Have a great week and big hugs, Kathy
How exciting! Enjoy!
Congratulations to your daughter. Enjoy!
Cherish those moments with your daughter!
We’ll all be here when you get back. 🙂
Such great steps for your daughter! Enjoy them with her!
How very exciting! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to hearing how it all went. Enjoy your time with your daughter. 🙂
Happy news!! Congrats Kathy!! Have a wonderful blog break and time with your daughter.
That’s so awesome and so exciting Katby! Have an amazing time, enjoy every minute
Congratulations Kathy! That’s wonderful news and that fashion show sounds fancy 🙂 Have a ball! Can’t wait to see more photos
And that should have said Kathy! Was so excited when I typed it lol
Good luck with the fashion show finishing details! Congratulations on the graduation! And have fun! Love you!
How exciting!! Safe travels and best of luck to your daughter. Enjoy!! 🙂
How exciting! Congratulations to both of you! Wear that, “Proud Momma” smile with pride! You deserve it!
ENJOY your time!
Congratulations to you and your daughter! Have fun Kathy and I will be looking forward to your photos.
Sounds wonderful!! Have a great time!!
You have every right to be proud. You did a lot of work over a lot of years to get them to a certain point in life where their wings pop out but they still want their mom. Enjoy every minute of it!
Oh my goodness Kathy, what an exciting time for you both! I remember when my daughter was graduating from art school and had a gallery exhibition just before the actual graduation, it was so much fun but also somewhat stressful. However, being able to share in this huge milestone with her is just so important! Relax and enjoy yourselves and a BIG Congratulations to your daughter!
Congratulations and enjoy! These are the good times!
That is fantastic!!! I know the “mom glow” experience! Have fun! Can’t wait to see pictures!
CONGRATULATIONS MAMA!!!! (Our son graduates with his MBA this weekend!) 😉 AND I TOTALLY understand about the “fierce independence!” LOL Our daughter is like that too! HAVE SAFE TRAVELS & ENJOY YOURSELF & SOAK IT ALL IN! LOL We’ll MISS YOU & your posts, that is for sure! FAMILY COMES FIRST! ENJOY!!! 😉
Congrats! Enjoy your time together. No matter how old they get, they are still our kids.
Kathy have a wonderful time!!! I know what it is like to have the ‘Mom Glow’, it is a really awesome feeling so enjoy every minute of your time with your daughter and take lots of pics!!!
You go and have a wonderful time! You really don’t owe us anything, including explanations. I have learned so much from you, and paid you nothing—which is precisely why I said the second thing! Be proud of your daughter and enjoy this precious time together. We will wait.
How Exciting! Congratulations ! Hope?Praying your daughter IS Blessed and gets/has the opportunity to work with the top designers, mentors to pursue her dreams. Looking forward to seeing her designs and label brand. Much Success to your daughter in her future endeavors. Enjoy the/this moment with your daughter. Safe travels. Blessings!
*Whoops…should be Hope/Praying your daughter IS Blessed….
Hi Kathy! Awwwww, what a great Mom you are, and how sweet that your daughter asked for your help before her big day! I have been in your shoes with my artist daughter, so I totally get it! No doubt the apple didn’t fall far from the tree and her show will be a smashing success! Enjoy these precious moments and let the blog go during this memorable time. You know we will all still be here whenever you are back into your routine!
I’m excited for you and your daughter . I remember you speaking about helping her to decide once on fabric for a project . Gods speed my friend !
Hi Kathy — Very happy for you and hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter! Life is precious and we need to cherish time with our family! I’m sure the girls at CREATE will miss you — I know I’m sad that I could not go this time, but so happy I had the pleasure of being there last time — It was so great to see you and the crew!
How proud you must be. Congrats to your daughter, and I look forward to seeing photos. Enjoy your time away from blogging. It’s good to take a break every now and then, especially for something so wonderful!
Good luck to your daughter for her project Kathy…. and no wonder you’re glowing…. I think I’d be exactly the same! Go enjoy and carry on being proud!!
Christine x
Congratulations! Enjoy!
I know you’ll have a wonderful time with your daughter – can hardly wait to see the pictures. Congrats to the grad!!
Congratulations to you both and ENJOY!
Congratulation to your daughter! You must be one proud mama. Have a fun and safe trip!!
Exciting for sure, have lots of fun
Kathy, enjoy your time with your daughter. Congratulate her on her Graduation.
We will all be here when you get back. Look forward to your pictures :o)
Hugs, Candy
Enjoy! Cannot wait to see photos!
Have a great time helping your daughter and enjoying the show and graduation. Congrats to your daughter. We will miss you but totally agree family time is top priority. Best wishes to all of you.
Oh Kathy! How wonderful! I’m so so glad she called and asked for help. I know you will swoop in and be just what she needs!!! (I read all about the time you showed up at Jennifer Mcguire’s house during their move. She went on and on about how much you helped her.) I”m so glad for you that you are so proud of her! Have a wonderful time! hugs, treen
take care!
have a great time!
Congratulations to your daughter & you! It all sounds fabulous so have lots of fun!
Best wishes to your daughter! How amazing! And best wishes to you, too!
It sounds exciting for both of you- enjoy!
Have THE best time! Soak in every moment! Cheers! Shannon
Congratulations and still waiting to see the jacket from the potato bags.
Congratulations to your daughter! and Best of luck on her graduation! Have a lot of fun with her. I am sure it will be so exciting for both of you!
xoxo Olga
So happy for you all! Congratulations and good luck to your daughter!
Yayyyy! This is so exciting, Kathy! Can’t wait to see pics, posts and movies! Enjoy your time with your daughter. Squeezing hugs from Switzerland, Tina
How exciting! Have fun, safe trip… Please share photographs! Jo x
Congrats to you and your daughter on this hugely exciting time…will look forward to seeing photos!