Helloooo Friends, How are you? I am soooo excited to announce the date for my 10th coloring challenge better know as “The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge” more info will be coming soon but, for now I have a video to share to announce the challenge in a fun way and I hope you like it.
For today I just wanted to give you the date and share this fun video that I organized yesterday with the help of Jennifer McGuire and friends.
ALSO on anther note I am collecting photos again to add to this video.
IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE & have your photo added as a part of the community ….. Email a photo of you to joshthedailymarker@gmail.com. Josh is making the video for me so I can make this happen. I promise to have the video slowed down this time so it’s easier to see everyone.
PHOTO DEADLINE is May 15th EST. Thank You for being part of this exciting project. This coloring challenge wouldn’t be a community without you & I am so grateful.
PHOTO TIPS …. Try to keep the background free of any objects or props. Daylight is best. (When emailing your photo a jpeg is best)
I hope to see your photos rolling in. Have a great day and I will be back tomorrow for a blog hop. Hugs, Kathy
Totally fun video announcing the latest challenge! 😀 Hmm, June, hope to play…
Yahoo! I hope you play along, too!
Fun video! I’m hoping to color EVERY SINGLE DAY on this next challenge, I almost made it all 30 last time but ended up missing a couple days. Always love your coloring challenges Kathy!! <3
Yay Sharla! It’s okay that you missed a few days – it’s a no stress challenge but I love that you’re going to play along again! Whoo hooo!
Yeah! Another month of coloring! Congrats on your 10th challenge. The video is great.
Such a fun intro video!! Looks like you all had so much fun! Congrats on #10!! I can’t wait–it’s always so inspiring to see you coloring everyday and to see all of the other creations from everyone! 🙂
AWESOME video, so cute. Last time when you collected the photos my computer crashed when I tried to send it, lol, no lie. So now I have a new one and am excited you are doing the pictures again so I can send mine, and of course I am excited about the coloring challenge. Thanks.
Tracey I remember that and my apologies!! I feel like I owe you a computer!! So happy you are set up now and can send your photo in. YIPEEEEE 🙂
Super fun!
I love your coloring challenges, not only for the daily creating….but all of the inspiration is amazing !!
great video!
Just out of interest what are we meant to be doing in the photo, is it like the video holding a number or just a photo of ourselves or a photo making a card, holding a card. Sorry feeling a little vague here? Cant wait for the next challenge hugs Aileen
Looking forward to your 10th challenge, which will be my first! See you in Richmond on the last day…
Congrats on your 10th Coloring Challenge! I’m new to Instagram and not sure how to re-post your video. Trying to figure it all out…lol
I love that you do these challenges. While we can do this on our own, its much more fun to ‘play’ along and support everyone. Thanks for doing this and thanks to your team! I’m sure it takes lots of effort and hands.
Yaaay❤️ Can’t wait to join you!
I hope I’m commenting in the right space for current drawing? I love your use of colored pencils. Thanks for your inspirations and for sharing these lovely cards.
Congrats on your 10th Challenge Kathy!! So awesome of you to put these together. Can’t wait to participate!
A crazy fun video looking forward to the challenge.
Am so looking forward to this. It will be my first one.
Yeeeeeessssssss !!!! Can’t wait for the challenge, I tried to join in with the last one but life got in the way as normal, but I will be trying harder this time. Great video with the ever talented Jennifer McQuire. Still not sure about my face, it’s got wrinkles, bags under my eyes and extra flabby bits but I may try lol you could always have a before I loose some weight and after lol.
oooh… I’m looking forward to seeing what works of art come out from this challenge. You are so inspiring. Your creations make me want to get better and try new things. I’ve decided that if I aim small (i.e. doing only one image), rather than trying to do lots of images and the backgrounds, I might be able to complete something each day and participate.