Hello Friends, How are you doing? If you are struggling and I can do anything please let me know. Maybe consider signing up for Color and Connect and or check it out. If I don’t see you this week maybe next week?
Thinking of you all and I pray you all are well and healthy. Many hugs, Kathy
P.S. Going forward you will use the same Zoom info and won’t need to sign up everytime. You can just pop in if you want.
I never get to watch the lives, but I do have a question. Could you show how to add some detail color to layered die cuts. I have some and don’t use them because they look too flat. Would appreciate it.
Thank you for stopping by Theresa. I don’t use die cuts very much but Jennifer McGuire does quite often. Here are a couple of posts that you might enjoy.
Is Zoom an app? I would love to try this out.
It is but you don’t need to download an app to get in. If you click on the link from any web browser on something like an IPad or a laptop it will take you there. Very easy.
Hey Kathy. I know nothing yet about Zoom but have been hearing quite a bit about it lately.
Unfortunately in our beautiful province of Nova Scotia we recently had a mass shooting so I really haven’t been “tuning in” to much else. With this and the pandemic I have been focusing on making masks for my family and friends to keep busy. Hopefully I will soon feel like getting back to colouring and card making but at the moment I am not feeling it.
Please stay well and safe.
Oh my goodness that is awful. It is understandable that you are distracted right now. When you are ready we are happy to have you join. Zoom is easy — just click on the link that is provided and it will take you there.
Hi. I am so sorry that you had a shooting in Nova Scotia. Period! Heart and prayers went out to the people of Canada.
I must say, I am very impressed with how quickly legislation went through to stop them from happening again.! What law changed? Do you have any suggestions or input about how we may get that passed here in Florida and the rest of the US? We are only trying to make weapons like AK47s and AR15s illegal. Weapons like these two are meant for mass destruction to life. Period! They can still keep their handguns.
I’d like to join and just maybe carve out some time for peace. Maybe just listen and watch and possibly chat and learn. Not adding video since finding out who actually runs the program and how the video is used. How program came out of nowhere and now is #1 should lead to a pause and “things that make you go hmmm” moment.
It is totally up to you. Many businesses have used this for years but I do know there was an issue as you said. Take care.
I wish I could make the time difference work for me!!
Understandably it won’t work for everyone but we would have loved you to join.
I signd up, but have not received an email yet, maybe I’m too impatient.
We tend to send them out closer to the call. So stay tuned!
Thanks for doing these sessions, Kathy! Attended my first yesterday and learned a lot just by listening while coloring – very satisfying!!
So glad you enjoyed it. We look forward to seeing you again
I signed up for Zoom and I am so excited I will be able to watch your videos. I have seen your work for a while now and truly am amazed at how beautifully you do each piece. I hope to learn a great deal from your videos. Thank you so much.
I am so happy to hear that you can join us! We have a lot of fun.