Hello Friends!! How are you doing? Surviving? Coloring? Please tell me you are NOT sick! I pray you all are healthy and safe and still sane!
Last week I popped in to post the sign ups for Color & Connect and I said that I would be back to share some coloring. Well as you know that didn’t happen and I am so sorry. I am sharing on Instagram but, with all the extra chores and cooking I just couldn’t add one more thing to my list. I didn’t want this second coloring challenge to be a chore. Normally that isn’t a problem as you know. Please share your feedback, grievances or suggestions in the comment area.
On another note …. Lydia decided to summarize our most asked QUESTIONS since every Color & Connect there are repeat questions. If you are curious what our favorite papers, supplies and such are Click here.
See you at the end of the week for a blog hop. Stay healthy and safe. Lots of hugs, Kathy
Hey Kathy,
As much as we love whatever time you cad spare us, we definitely don’t want to add to your super heavy workload. I don’t know how you manage to comment on everyone’s posts during the 30 day Challenge. We appreciate any time you can spare us, but it needs to be enjoyable for you too. Take care and look after yourself and don’t forget to sometimes but yourself first. ❤
Thank you Julie
Sane, safe, and well. Having more hobbies than time comes in handy now. Stay safe.
It sure does! Definitely helpful. Take care
Please look after yourself Kathy
I am. Thank you Gab
Dear Kathy, whe don’t want you to have a burnout just because you want to do much more than you do now. Post here whenever you have the time, I think most of us sees you on IG. Don’t worry, whe all love what we can see and you are more important than a blogpost. Stay safe, stay healthy and keep colouring, have a wonderful day my friend.
Thank you Henriette
You know because I live at home with my mom who I care give I forget that other people have lives too. I used to have one of those compromised immune systems 10-12 years ago so if this had happened then, I would be in big trouble! I really wouldn’t be able to leave my house at all! It’s so sad that we are all quarantined with this & people have to worry that others might make them sick. Back then I would have been so worried! You know what? I’m not worried about getting this because I haven’t been sick for 10-12 years with anything so I am not worried about getting this. I’ve been out a few times without a mask & no symptoms what so ever. Now we have to wear one or else we can’t go into a store. I wore one today but it’s big. How will that help? I am coloring though which is good. Now we just have to get toilet paper! LOL Stay well & I’d do the Zoom thing but I don’t want to join or download one more thing. I’m not on Instagram either, just Facebook.
So glad that you are well. And keep hunting for that toilet paper! LOL
Hi Kathy!
BREATHE! Slowly–in. Hold. Slowly out through mouth… That’s the first thing.
I have been listening to more meditations and meditation type music throughout my day. It really helps keep my blood pressure and migraines from climbing upward with stress.
I have been doing some large crackpot recipes lately. I let it cool and put it in a zip lock (freezer) bag. Label it i put 2 servings in each bag. This really cuts down on cooking time. I save even more time when I plan at least the big lunch meals, and which afternoon I’ll have leftovers. (I have my big meal at lunch, so some calories can get worn down before bed!)
Also, I am going through our stack of mail–weekly, rather than daily. This means I only need to get the check book or computer one time a week to get caught up. Only one big pile to recycling. One pike to address and put stamps and return address labels on. You may be surprised how much time this saves.
I hope these ideas help you get more coloring time–where hopefully, you can destress! You put so much of yourself into your website, Kathy. We all love it and learn so much! And, we will still love you, still keep watching, buying, making cards and learning even if you skip a day, or just have a video now and then.
Please, trust me. I spent almost 20 years on my back on our sofa when I really hurt my back. If you don’t take great care of yourself by distressing, eating well, sleeping well, playing well and doing your incredible coloring– I’d hate to see you injured or worn out and ill! I was not in good shape when I injured my spine. I have at least 10 conditions and other painful areas because I didn’t slow down. I didn’t take three slow breaths several times a day. Now, i am doing this properly. Taking care of myself and playing, laughing and loving a lot!
G-d Bless!
Traci Starkweather
Thank you for sharing some really good ideas.