Hello Friends, How are you? Did you have a crafty weekend? Today is the “last” day of The Pop Up Challenge but, I decided to extend part of it to give you all more time. Some of you left comments that you felt behind or didn’t have enough time and that’s the last thing that […]
Day 3. Pop Up Challenge
Hello Friends, Can you believe that it’s Day 3 of The Pop Challenge already! It’s going to be a quick post today life is not being generous with the me time factor. If only there we a few more hours in each day! *sigh* REMINDER the challenge… it’s all about lines. Any line of any kind. […]
Day 2. Pop Up Challenge
Hello Friends, Welcome to Day 2! Thanks for all of your wonderful feedback and sweet comments. Sounds and looks like a lot of you have found a new artistic side! Woo hoo! LOVE seeing all of the art come rolling in and I have to say you all are such a CREATIVE & inspiring bunch!!! […]
Day 1. Pop Up w/Video
Hello Dear Friends, Today is DAY ONE of my First Pop Up Challenge! I really really hope that you enjoy these next four days. Each day I will have a giveaway and hopefully a video too At the bottom of today’s post will be the InLinkz tool to upload your card or project. If you […]
Pre Pop Up Challenge – 2 unedited videos
Hello Friends, How are you? Are you excited to hear what this Pop Up Challenge is all about? I thought it might be fun to do a PRE Pop Up Challenge Day even thought the challenge starts on Friday. It’s a short and sweet challenge so why not right? Today I will tell you what the challenge is […]